
A recording of Steve’s Francis Crick Lecture to the Royal Society

Quanta magazine cover Nadine's study on the mechanisms for perceptual reality monitoring

Steve and Chris Frith define and discuss metacognition in a podcast for the Royal Society

Knowing our own minds: UCL's video on our work relating brain structure to introspective ability

Steve discusses metacognition and self-awareness with Harvard neuroscientist Liz Phelps



BrainStories is a monthly podcast series from the UCL Neuroscience Domain presented by Caswell Barry (UCL Division of Biosciences), Steve Fleming (UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences) and Selina Wray (UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology). UCL Brain Stories aims to showcase the best of UCL Neuroscience, highlighting the wide range of cutting-edge research going on within the Neuroscience Domain as well as bringing you the people behind the research to share their journey of how they ended up here. Find out more and listen here:


Fear of predators may have helped us conceptualise the idea of zero - New Scientist

Survey says most believe generative AI is conscious - TechRadar

Humanising chat bots is hard to resist - but why? - Practical Ethics

How our brains distinguish reality from imagination — and what it means for schizophrenia - BigThink

Is it real or imagined? How your brain tells the difference - Quanta

This is how your brain distinguishes reality from imagination - Psyche

Knowing what to believe - IAI News

A theory of my own mind - Aeon

What makes human brains special - Slate

What separates humans from AI? It’s doubt - Financial Times

How to boost self-awareness and make better decisions - New Scientist (cover story)

Extremists have trouble realizing they’re wrong - El Pais

Is “belief superiority” the common thread that links extreme liberals and conservatives? - Forbes

People with extreme political views have misplaced certainty when they’re wrong - Newsweek

People who hold radical political views both on the far left and far right aren’t as good at knowing when they’re wrong - Daily Mail

People with extreme political views cannot tell when they are wrong - The Independent

People with extreme political views have trouble thinking about their own thinking - Popular Science

Final decision? Why the brain keeps changing its mind - Aeon

“Reasonable prospect” of lawyer being vague on a case’s chances - Financial Times

We can train ourselves to be better at knowing when we are wrong - New Scientist

Different psychiatric symptom dimensions have opposite associations with confidence and metacognition - BPS Digest

Hesitate! - Aeon

The Knicks won. Let’s gamble! - Pacific Standard

Fancy a flutter? Sunny weather and watching our sports team win makes us more likely to gamble on the lottery - Daily Mail

This map shows where New Yorkers buy the most lottery tickets - BuzzFeed News

Scientists identify brain region for introspection - The Independent

Do you know when you’re wrong? Gray matter shows introspective ability is not black or white - Scientific American

When your brain figures out what it doesn’t know - NPR

Decisiveness linked to activity in ventromedial prefrontal cortex - Huffington Post

It’s good to think - but not too much - BBC

Was it really me? - Aeon

Why habits are hard to change (and printers hard to buy) - Psychology Today

The biology of dithering - NPR

Two brain regions control decisions - Der Spiegel