Due to the volume of emails we receive inquiring about open positions in the lab, we regret that we are unable to respond to them all. Please see below for details of how to apply for specific opportunities!

Undergraduate / Masters projects at UCL

Undergraduate project opportunities in the lab for 3rd year students are advertised by the Experimental Psychology department in the early summer of each year - please apply direct through the departmental portal

If you are a Masters student at UCL interested in pursuing a research project in the lab, please fill in this form at your earliest opportunity (ideally, in the summer or early autumn before you start your Masters year).

We regret that we are rarely able to support undergraduate student internships for external candidates due to priority being given to UCL undergraduate and Masters students seeking laboratory projects.

PhD positions


There are a variety of routes into doing a PhD in the MetaLab; please read this information and explore these options before contacting us:

Funded positions

We do not currently have grant-funded PhD positions available in the lab.

Direct application

The Department of Experimental Psychology funds a limited number of places via demonstratorships (TA positions) and UCL scholarships (such as the Research Excellence Scholarship) - see here for more details. If this is of interest, please fill out the following Google form (ideally in the summer before applying):


If your application is a good fit for the lab, Steve will get in touch to arrange a meeting, and develop a proposal together. Unfortunately we are unable to respond to late requests for supervision.

Centrally funded programmes

UCL hosts a number of centrally funded PhD programmes, including:

The usual route is to apply direct to these programmes. If you gain a place and are interested in a rotation placement in the lab (with a view to potential PhD supervision), please do get in touch.

Tali Sharot’s group also maintains a helpful list of PhD programmes and funding opportunities.

Postdoctoral fellows / academic visitors

Steve is glad to discuss potential fellowship applications, academic visits or postdoctoral projects - please get in touch with a CV and details of your research interests

Our team is conscious of the multiple ways in which inequality is manifested in neuroscience and psychology. We actively encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply for all advertised positions.